!!!Gung Hey Fa Choy !!!

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The Chinese New Year of the Fire Rooster will begin on 28 January 2017 – the second New Moon after the Solstice. It will be the beginning of of the 4714th year of the Chinese calendar which uses a cycle of sixty years, five elemental periods (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Wood) of twelve years, each symbolically related to a specific animal, to indicate the nature of that year. Due to its scientific and mathematical nature, we can easily and precisely calculate backward or forward for thousands of years. That is why the Lunar calendar is favored and used among the Ninja.

I am alert
Ready to take action.
The first on the scene,
The last to leave.
I take chances,
But I am precise.
I know where things belong,
I am orderly and fastidious.
Nothing escapes me,
I am always prepared.
I never give up or give in.

Fire Roosters spend much of their time perfecting their images. They’re terrific social organizers and excellent leaders. However they are overly blunt and this trait often hurts the feelings of others.

Occupying the 10th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Rooster symbolizes such character traits as confidence, pompousness and motivation. Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rooster are loyal, trustworthy individuals who are blunt when it comes to offering their opinions. Their bluntness stems not from being mean but from being honest; a trait which Roosters expect from others.

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Roosters are extremely sociable and prefer being the center of attention, always bragging about themselves and their accomplishments. They continually seek the unwavering attention of others which can be annoying. Roosters are as proud of their homes as they are of themselves. They’re extremely organized individuals as evidenced by the fact that their homes are always neat.

Overall, Roosters are active individuals and their preference to be active helps keep them in good health. When they do become ill, they feel better quickly. They can at times however, take on too much and when that happens, they’ll feel stressed and moody.

Roosters are highly motivated and hard-working; traits that enable most Roosters to have successful careers. Not surprisingly, Roosters make good actors, musicians and dancers. Other good career choices for Roosters include: CPA, banker, dentist, insurance agent, secretary, and book keeper. Roosters also do well in the armed forces.

The Rooster’s bossiness and honest “tell it like it is” approach doesn’t work well with sensitive individuals. Roosters need to partner with those who are tough-skinned. They’re the individuals most capable of realizing that beneath the tough exteriors are huge, caring hearts overflowing with love.

The Year of the Rooster will be a powerful one, with no middle of the road when it comes to moving forward. This year, impressions count. You’ll want to look your best and be clear on your intentions concerning love, money, and business. Stick to practical and well-proven paths to ensure success, rather than risky ventures.

In a Rooster Year, all of the Chinese animals can reap great rewards by tapping into Rooster traits. Loyalty, commitment, hard work, family values, and top-notch appearances are just some of the characteristics that will be rewarded this year. Astrology Club Online

Your General Orders remain the same: "First,do no harm."
Second, “Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.”
Third, "Live and let live."

This is the message for the Year of the Rooster

"Make the world a better place for having passed this way..." Edward Bok

Live Long and Prosper
Happy Chinese New Year of the Rooster!

I remain,
Ashida Kim

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